Patrick Bohan has been married for 30 years and is an accomplished rock climber, mountaineer, and cyclist. He is a state and national champion time trialist and has written several books and authored several technical and political articles. He is currently the Vice-Chair for Chaffee County Libertarians and Congressional Candidate for CO-7. He owns a B.S. in Electrical Engineering from Penn State University. He worked as a test engineer for Texas Instruments for 22 years and owns two patents. He was both a supervisor and elected distinguished member of the technical staff for his elite technical contributions. Patrick spends his free time studying Constitutional law, theology, history, and science. His books, Defending Freedom of Contract and Our God-Given Fundamental Rights (coming soon) detail the progressive change in both the Supreme Court and American society. Patrick, who is afflicted with a very rare autoimmune neurological condition called multifocal motor neuropathy (MMN), volunteers for the GBS - CIDP Foundation helping others with similar conditions.